Balm of Gilead is a multipurpose oil that can offer many benefits to the skin and body. Some of the most impressive features may include its ability to reduce inflammation, soothe the skin, and protect the immune system.
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Balm of Gilead
The ancient balm of Gilead that dates back thousands of years may have many different names, depending on the region in which it was traditionally used. Regardless of the origin or specificities, some important constituents have been shown to have a wide range of effects on your health. Now, let’s take a closer look at some benefits of Balm of Gilead.
Health Benefits of Balm of Gilead
One of the benefits of the balm of Gilead is that it helps to avoid complications in pregnancy, and includes: Balm of Gilead is known to provide a wealth of health benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart and gastrointestinal diseases.
Might perform Anti-inflammatory Activity
This powerful oil can help relieve sunburn and arthritis. For example, it can provide relief from inflammation and pain by quickly sucking heat and water from the body. It is also rumored to have antioxidant properties similar to aloe extract.
Might Aid in Skin Health
In addition to its soothing effects, the antibacterial properties of Balm of Gilead can treat skin infections and irritations. One such irritation is eczema, psoriasis, or even eliminating the appearance of scars. In regards to insect bites, it can be rubbed on the affected area for rapid healing and pain relief.
Might boost Immune System
When you’re not feeling well, you can apply Balm of Gilead to your chest in the form of a warm rub before bed. This might help to clear up coughs and colds, both by absorbing into the skin and being inhaled as your skin naturally heats the oil. The expectorant nature of Balm of Gilead may help expel mucus and phlegm, which speeds up healing.
Might work as a Diuretic
For men with enlarged prostates, urination can be a painful or even impossible endeavor. Luckily, Balm of Gilead might have certain diuretic qualities that when combined with its anti-inflammatory ability can help stimulate urination. This might help your body expel excess toxins, salts, fats, and even water that the body doesn’t need to retain. This increase health and reduce strain on the bladder and kidneys. Here’s what the article says:
For those living with bothersome symptoms of extreme water retention and swelling in their lower extremities —
For those living with bothersome symptoms of water retention and swelling in their lower extremities
For people suffering from this condition that result in unrelenting pain or discomfort not responding to treatment —
For people who suffer from this residual condition, often resistant to other forms of treatment
Might Soothe the Stomach
If you’ve ever suffered from chronic diarrhea or IBS, Balm of Gilead may have been known to reduce their symptoms. While the exact chemical pathways that cause the health effects are unknown, decades of research have proven its effectiveness.
A Final Word of Warning
Balm of Gilead has many uses, but the most common is topical. You can use it to treat certain kinds of skin conditions, as long as someone with experience in making medicinal preparations for herbs is doing it. However, pregnant/breastfeeding women should avoid using this herb, and people should avoid ingesting it internally without first consulting a medical professional.